The Bitter Prescription
Dr. Stagg's book is available from all your favorite retailers.
Unleash your greatest health potential through this revolutionary eating plan incorporating bioactive power foods!
In The Bitter Prescription, Dr. Stagg outlines the core elements for optimal health as we age: using bitter bioactive foods to improve digestion and metabolism, the bitter truth about how your dietary needs change with age, and how getting rid of bitter feelings will set you up for your greatest potential.
Armed with this knowledge, she provides you with a bioactive rich dietary plan that is not only an excellent source of nutrition, but also has the added bonus of helping you absorb more of those nutrients from your food and improve metabolism. As we get older, our digestive function and metabolism slows, making us more likely to suffer from deficiencies that can make our systems sluggish. What may have worked in our twenties seems to no longer benefit us. If you are eating well and not seeing results, this book is for you!
While most books and diet plans out there may do a good job of outlining a food plan, they lack the tools to make the program long-lasting and accentuate the latest fad diet. As food- and health-conscious individuals know, it is much easier to start a plan than it is to sustain it. In The Bitter Prescription, Dr. Stagg also maps out how to utilize mindset and emotional health to make these changes last a lifetime!
Check out the editorial reviews for The Bitter Prescription:
"Dr. Stagg delivers a new framework of how we should eat as we age, so we can get rid of belly fat, improve our metabolism and digestive health, while also addressing the bitter emotions that age us prematurely—the complete package!" -- JJ Virgin, CNS, New York Times Bestselling Author of "The Virgin Diet"
"Developing disease and losing function with aging is common—but is neither normal, nor inevitable. Follow Dr. Stagg's great, easily understood, and followed advice and get off the relentless disease train." -- Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Coauthor of the Multimillion-Copy Bestseller "The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine"
"In The Bitter Prescription, author Dr. Jennifer Stagg clearly draws on her backgrounds in biochemistry, nutrition, and naturopathic medicine to wonderfully weave a guide to living longer and living better. All of the most important elements are there, including prioritizing the quality and composition of the food that we eat, the regenerative powers of proper sleep, the importance of the kind of inner dialogue and thoughts that permeate our brains, and the importance of social networks. This is no fad diet book, but instead a comprehensive sensible lifestyle road map to adding years to life, and life to years." -- Dr. David Brady, Author of "The Fibro Fix"
"The Bitter Prescription is built on the scientific research and traditional aspects of how taste primes our body's response to health. This is such a fascinating guide that brings together not just the culmination of what you need to know from the research in this emerging area, but also the emotional-mental aspects of how we might manifest bitter in the psyche. Truly, a mind-body guide to living with food bitters and having less bitterness in one's life. A must read!" -- Deanna Minich, PhD, IFMCP, CNS, Author of "Whole Detox" and "The Rainbow Diet"
"The Bitter Prescription is just what the doctor ordered as the bitter truth of aging hits us. From digestion and the fascinating science of bitter foods to advice on exercise, stress, and hormones, Dr. Stagg creates a timely and easy-follow-guide that is sweet news." -- Robert Bonakdar MD FAAFP FACN, Director of Pain Management, Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine