Herbed Summer Squash

This is one of my favorite quick vegetable dishes to make on a hot summer day. Often found in the local veggies section of my grocer or at any farm stand in New England, yellow summer squash and zucchini are ubiquitous here in the summer. I tend to buy the smaller ones because I prefer their taste profile, but also the nutritious bitter compounds are more concentrated. Another reason I like them is that they are very easy to prepare and take only minutes to cook. (I also eat these raw, diced small in a salad).



2 small yellow summer squash

2 small zucchini

2 tsp grass-fed butter

2 tsp olive oil

1/3 cup fresh mixed chopped herbs (anything works here–basil, parsley, mint, chives, oregano)

salt and pepper



Chop the squash into good sized chunks, about 3/4 inch thick.

Loosely chop the herbs.

Heat a large saucepan to medium-high heat. Add olive oil and butter until melted and swirl to coat the pan.

Add chopped squad to pan in an even layer. Season with salt and pepper. Wait about 2 minutes, before turning so that the squash turns a light golden color. Cook about another 2 minutes.

Remove squash from pan to a large serving dish and toss with the freshly chopped herbs.

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